Triggered FM #003

Indoor Falconry and The Bristol Trilogy

Triggered FM #003 - Indoor Falconry and The Bristol Trilogy

'RIP K.F.'

(Also available on Facebook, Youtube and Soundcloud)

Tag along with the tickle-tastic Trigger Thumb as they reflect on last night's show at the LS6 Café, skirt around suicide whilst talking about skirting around suicide and fanboy over our friends - yes, plural.

Upcoming shows:

12/03/2019 - Manchester: Soeur live at Soup Kitchen

23/03/2019 - Bradford: Alzheimers Benefit Gig w/ CPSD, Trigger Thumb, Ali Izrail + more

Featured friends:


No Violet

Blank Atlas

Cheeky mentions:

Veritas Promotions, Things Tame, Gamblers, Three Day Millionaires, LS6 Café, Contrarians, a-tota-so, Acid Hat Presents, Nova Hands (again), Honća Illustration, Let's Swim, Get Swimming


Triggered FM #004


Triggered FM #002